
Volunteer with Us

For all volunteer opportunities, please contact Alexis Degan at adegan@voadv.org.

The current structure of our volunteer program is that we do not have standing volunteer activities, except at our donation center. However, we are able to work with you to craft an opportunity that fits you or your group’s ideas. Contact Alexis Degan at adegan@voadv.org.

Group Volunteer Options

Alexis Degan, VP of Development and Communications



Volunteer at a local shelter

Activity options:

  • Meal service – usual meal or plan your own
  • Lunch & Learn – provide resources or a workshop to go with a meal
  • Clean/organize donation holdings or pantries
  • Grounds clean up
  • Special event – host a craft or game; read to children; or an activity of your choice!
  • Days and times can vary but we recommend planning for about 4 hours of service. Number of volunteers can also vary but most locations can take a maximum of 10-12 volunteers at a time. Meal service times will depend on individual shelter schedules.

A list of available shelters can be found here.

Volunteer at the Donation Center

Volunteer for a special program:

Operation Backpack

Each summer we collect backpacks and school supplies for the children in our programs as well as local area children. Volunteers can help stuff backpacks with school supplies. This would take place at our Collingswood location, Monday-Friday 10am-4pm, and we can have up to 10 volunteers at a time.

Adopt A Family

Each winter we collect holiday gifts for the families in our programs as well as other community groups and the general public. From Thanksgiving through Christmas, we take in gifts for hundreds of families and need help receiving them, keeping organized, and handing them out. This would take place at our Collingswood location. In general, we need help every day, including weekends, in December leading up to the Friday before Christmas. On weekdays we can take up to 10 volunteers and stay until 7pm. On weekends we’ve had as many as 30 volunteers and are here 9am-4pm.

Can’t come to us? Host a drive!

A lot of groups have trouble getting together to volunteer in person but there are plenty of ways to support our programs without having to leave the office. Some groups hold drives internally, while others make their public. The donations can be organized into “kits”, which will allow you the camaraderie of performing the task together (or over Zoom!)

  • Hygiene/toiletry kits- shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant, etc.
  • Feminine hygiene kits – tampons, pads, cleansing wipes, deodorant, etc.
  • Homewarming kits – cooking utensils, trash bags, pots & pans, dish soap, etc.
  • Bathroom supplies – cleansers, shower curtains, toilet paper, towels, etc.
  • Laundry supplies – detergent, laundry bags, totes
  • General cleaning supplies – paper towels, cleanser spray, sponges, disinfectant wipes
  • Safety/first aid – flashlights/batteries, band aids, ointments, icepacks
  • Children’s Healing kits – Keepsake box or bag, something soft (stuffed animal, small pillow), a book (inspirational, self-esteem, trauma recovery, bible), a journal (guided or blank) and pens, inspirational notes (mantras, words of wisdom, prayers), grounding items (touch, taste, feel, smell, & hear), tissues, stress ball, and/or fidget toy
  • Undergarments – underwear, socks, bras, undershirts
  • Winter accessories – scarves, hats, gloves

All of the above are suggestions based upon what we’ve seen, but don’t be afraid to get creative! We are always open to new ideas.